Improving access of Clean Cooking to the marginalized in Nepal
EPC Nepal is one of the implementing partners of VNV Advisory Services and with support from different donors we wish to empower the rural communities of Nepal. The objective of the program is to,
Promote and disseminate Renewable Energy Technologies (RETs) as a powerful means to enhance the livelihoods of rural people and alleviate poverty .
Develop RETs based on local resources and means and commercialise them to supply the energy needs for domestic and economic use.
Reduce the cost of renewable energy technology and increase its access for rural people.
Reduce the consumption of traditional energy sources.
Our organization majorly focuses to include a reduction in fuel wood use and its associated greenhouse gas emission, improve health through reduction in respiratory and eye infections from indoor air pollutants, reduce drudgery for women and children (the main collector of fuel). A secondary objective is to create income generation opportunities for the marginalized women and excluded groups through the skilled construction of improved cook stoves.